
Hi there, here is the review from both of us.  :-

In 2018 my husband had to stop work as a Group Financial Director for a large company in Umhlanga after being diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer’s. We have been trying all sorts of conventional medicinal and natural remedies and whilst it had slowed down the deterioration, the trajectory of decline was still going South.  I was always on the lookout for unconventional healing options and that’s how I came across the EESsytem.  I had been waiting for it to come to South Africa and was preparing to fly to Gauteng to go to a centre then when I was informed that there was 1 opening in Umhlanga.  After my non-stop hounding, the owner of the newly being built centre who is the most gracious and caring person, added me onto their contact list.


The staff are also amazing and reflect the values and compassion of the owner too. My husband and I were 1 of the first couple to try it out. We had 3 sessions together and then he continued this last 1 on his own.  I intend to have 1 per month but hubby will continue on a weekly basis.  The first session was very emotional for me, and we both experienced a gentle tingling. Hubby just falls asleep – I tend to stay awake or try to meditate. In these 4 sessions, I noticed that my depression has improved, my energy levels increased as has my husband’s, but the most amazing thing is that prior to this treatment his short-term memory was NIL – Nada – Nothing and now he’s remembering names, people and he even reminds me of something I have forgotten – which is hilarious as I usually have a fantastic memory.  


We are so impressed and motivated that we are going to continue to use it and furthermore, we will be taking our children who not only battle with ADHD but the oldest has Asperger’s Syndrome or ASD and I truly believe this will help him if my research and the available case studies are anything to go by. 

Thank you EESystem as we have hope where there was only despair before.  

I had a bus accident at the age of 21. My foot was crushed and had to be partially amputated. There has always been pain and discomfort through the years with not much relief from medication. 

Now 52 years later, with age, there has been pain and inflammation that was debilitating, that I was unable to walk.

I  am now able to, not just put my foot down, but walk pain free after just 3 sessions of the EEsystem.



After 1 year of medical attention for her heart palpitations and constant throbbing and pounding sound in her head, they are gone after 16 hours in the EE system.

– Chiyoko Urabe
After 6 years of medical attention for cysts on neck and finger, they have reduced in size by 50% after 16 hours in the EE system.
– Gerald Muramoto
I have had a chronic neck condition for many years that flares up. After the second session, all of the pain, tightness and restricted range of movement in my neck had left and has not returned. I left each session with a deep sense of peace and calm. I had a lot more energy. My thinking was extremely clear afterwards and I could type so much easier.

– Jasmine

I went with the intention to help an open wound heal. I had surgery in 2022 and the open wound continually drained after rounds of antibiotics with no luck for a couple of months. I went to the EE System and within 4 visits, the wound closed up. The other miracle was that my foot always hurt and would swell at times – those symptoms have disappeared.

– Ken, Tarpon